Higher education and labour market: reviewing the linkage from the perspective of undergraduate students


  • María Marta Coria Facultad Regional del Neuquén, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Argentina




higher education, labour market, applied research, human capital


This paper explores the linkage between higher education and labour market, proposing new ways to look at the contribution of higher education to professional performance of future graduates. The paper shows the results of an applied research developed with two groups of undergraduate students, one of them in the first year of the degree and the other soon to graduate. Results contribute to deepen knowledge about the higher education and the expectations of undergraduate students in their career opportunities.


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How to Cite

Coria, M. M. (2023). Higher education and labour market: reviewing the linkage from the perspective of undergraduate students. Technology and Science Magazine, (48), 10–21. https://doi.org/10.33414/rtyc.48.10-21.2023