Iconography as a tool in augmented reality technologies for the visualization of building seismic risk
Augmented Reality, Seismic Risk, IconographyAbstract
In recent decades, the frecuency of natural phenomena and the severity of their impacts have increased. This has triggered the advancement of seismic safety management of buildings, their essential systems and the study of natural hazard risks. In this framework, the present work aims to develop iconography and apply it in an immersive augmented reality technology software to visualise the seismic risk of buildings. For this purpose, a quasi-experimental methodology combining theoretical analysis procedures and practical trial-and-error activities will be used. It is concluded that it is possible to integrate iconography and augmented reality, as well as to visualise risks and recognise hazards in the very important cases of educational buildings.
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- 2022-12-05 (2)
- 2022-10-04 (1)
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Copyright (c) 2022 Sergio Heredia, Sergio Reiloba, Sandra Noemi Guillén Rodríguez

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