Regionalization of Arroyo Feliciano Watersheds for Peak Flows Prediction


  • Matías Alejo Bidegorry Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN) Facultad Regional Paraná (FRP) – Argentina.
  • Tomas Kohan Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN) Facultad Regional Paraná (FRP) – Argentina.
  • Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN) Facultad Regional Paraná (FRP) – Argentina.
  • María Inés Mastaglia Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN) Facultad Regional Paraná (FRP) – Argentina.
  • Rodolfo Alejandro Sato Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN) Facultad Regional Paraná (FRP) – Argentina.
  • Roxana Guadalupe Ramírez Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN) Facultad Regional Paraná (FRP) – Argentina.
  • Vanesa Estefanía Giménez Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN) Facultad Regional Paraná (FRP) – Argentina.
  • Andrea Desiré Margasín Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN) Facultad Regional Paraná (FRP) – Argentina.



Watersheds, Hydrological Model, Regionalization, Maximum Flow Prediction


The paper consists of the study of the Feliciano Stream basin, which has a single gauging. On the basis of a calibrated model, it was sought to use a storm distribution compatible with the observed flow information, so that its error would be considered acceptable.

The sub-basins were modeled for storms of different recurrences distributed in time according to the adopted pattern and different physical parameters were determined for each one of them.

With the information generated, a multivariate statistical analysis was carried out that will define hydrologically homogeneous regions and select the parameters and variables with the highest incidence in the maximum flow values

With the results of maximum flows obtained in the hydrological model for the different sub-basins and preset recurrences, a list of their most important variables and parameters was carried out. Afterwards, a multivariate statistical analysis was performed in order to define hydrologically homogeneous regions and establish which variables had a greater incidence in the flow values.

As a result, practical formulas were obtained that allow a preliminary estimate of flows to be obtained based on the physiographic characteristics of the sub-basins and the maximum mean areal precipitation for a recurrence of 2 years. In addition, regional frequency equations were defined, enabling the calculation of a flood index, which translates the estimated flow for any adopted recurrence between 2 and 100 years. 


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How to Cite

Bidegorry, M. A., Kohan, T., Floriana Milagros, Mastaglia, M. I., Sato, R. A., Ramírez, R. G., Giménez, V. E., & Margasín, A. D. (2022). Regionalization of Arroyo Feliciano Watersheds for Peak Flows Prediction. Technology and Science Magazine, (44), 1–25.