Yogurts added with caseinomacropeptide: Study of anticariogenic activity
caseinomacropeptide, yogurts, anticariogenic activityAbstract
Caseinomacropeptide is a group of peptides attached to oligosacharide chains containg sialic acid; they have biological activities of interest such as anticariogenic activity. In the present study, three yogurt formulations were made at laboratory-scale with the addition of ingredients source of caseinomacropeptide: whey protein concentrate at 80% and a commercial CMP at different levels, which were compared with a yogurt (control) containing only skim powder milk. Physicochemical composition, syalic acid content and anticariogenic activity were determined in the yogurts at 21 days. Anticariogenic activity was measured through a demineralization test using hydroxyapatite (HA) as the tooth model and two acidic buffers. Physicochemical parameters were considered normal for this thype of products. Acid syalic levels ranged between 28,4 and 431,7mg/g. The protection exherted by yogurts towards calcium and phosphours of HA was significantly higher in all experimental yogurts than in control. The pH value of buffer did not influence the protection.
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