Water Quality for Human Consumption: Presence of Nitrate in Groundwater. Status Review


  • Eleonora Moschione Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Unidad Académica Mar del Plata - Argentina


Nitrate, groundwater, human health


Nitrate pollution in groundwater is a frequent problem in urban and rural areas, difficult to manage and solve. Although it is a natural chemical species, different antropic activities are nitrate source, raising its concentrations in water to levels overcoming the reference values established by the regulations. The main health effect is methaemoglobinaemia, acute syndrome that affects specially children under 3 months, while other illnesses have been rejected in the last years, because of lack of clinical evidence. The application of treatment technologies is possible but expensive and requires management of wastes, showing the necessity of taking actions equilibrating costs and benefits, which guarantee health protection in a sustainable way.


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How to Cite

Moschione, E. (2019). Water Quality for Human Consumption: Presence of Nitrate in Groundwater. Status Review. Technology and Science Magazine, (26). Retrieved from https://rtyc.utn.edu.ar/index.php/rtyc/article/view/458