Influence of convective drying process on the content of anthocyanins, total phenolic compounds, antimicrobial and antioxidant capacity in strawberries (Fragaria annanasa var. San Andrea)
strawberries, drying, color, anthocyanins, DPPh, CPTAbstract
The strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) has bioactive compounds of nutritional interest and high antioxidant activity, which bestows important benefits to human health. However, they are highly perishable products. The objective of this work was to dehydrate strawberries by convective drying, to extend their useful life. Three drying air temperatures were tested: 60º, 70º and 80 ºC and a speed of 0.7 m/s. To characterize the flours obtained, the color, antimicrobial and antioxidant capacity, the content of anthocyanins and total phenolic compounds (CPT) were measured in hydroalcoholic extracts, generated by shaking. The strawberry flour obtained preserved or increased the CPT content and the antioxidant capacity, particularly when the raw material was dehydrated at 70 ºC. The anthocyanin content decreased and the color was also modified. The potential of strawberry flours for its use as an ingredient in food formulation was evidenced, due to its contributions of bioactive compounds.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Julia Luisetti, María Florencia Balzarini, María Agustina Reinheimer, Fernando Stoppani, María Cristina Ciappini

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