Manufacture of earthen masonry with recycled waste from sand mining in Río Negro, Argentina
CEB, adobe, waste, recycling, strengthAbstract
This work evaluates the feasibility of using residual sand and clay generated by sand mining to manufacture compressed earth blocks (CEB) and adobes. To do this, the byproducts generated by a mine in the province of Río Negro (Argentina) were characterized and different series of samples were made, determining their shrinkage due to drying, dry density, compressive strength and wet erosion resistance. The results indicate that, with a dosage by weight of 74.25% clay, 24.75% sand and 1% wheat straw, load-bearing adobes can be produced with a compressive strength of 18.63 kgf/cm2, while, using a dosage of 71.3% clay, 23.7% sand, 5% Portland cement, CEB can be produced with a compressive strength greater
than 30 kgf/cm2 and a high resistance to wet erosion, suitable for use in the construction of load-bearing walls and exterior walls without plaster
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Copyright (c) 2023 Santiago Cabrera, Nicolás Losa, Gonzalo Darrás
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.