
  • Fernando Luis Fogliatti Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo para la Construcción y la Vivienda CECOVI - Facultad Regional Santa Fe, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Argentina
  • María Fernanda Carrasco Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo para la Construcción y la Vivienda CECOVI - Facultad Regional Santa Fe, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Argentina
  • Loreley Betina Beltramini Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo para la Construcción y la Vivienda CECOVI - Facultad Regional Santa Fe, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Argentina
  • Carlos Antonio Defagot Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo para la Construcción y la Vivienda CECOVI - Facultad Regional Santa Fe, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Argentina
  • Rudy Omar Grether Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo para la Construcción y la Vivienda CECOVI - Facultad Regional Santa Fe, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Argentina




pervious concrete, fine aggregate content, cement paste content, image analysis, properties


Pervious concretes were evaluated, prepared with blended portland cement, granitic coarse aggregates, variable contents of fine aggregate between 0 and 16 % and cement paste from 15 % to 25 % and incorporation of chemical admixtures.

In the fresh state, the consistency was evaluated using the Abrams slump test and the Hand-Squeeze test. In the hardened state, were evaluated compressive strength at 7 and 28 days, apparent dry density, water absorption, void content, permeability and thickness of the cement paste surrounding the coarse aggregate.

The size distribution of the internal pores was studied and a comparison is made between the porosity measured conventionally and by means of image analysis.

Strength increased with fines content, with increasing paste content and with paste thickness, and simultaneously, void content and permeability decreased.


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How to Cite

Fogliatti, F. L., Carrasco, M. F., Beltramini, L. B., Defagot, C. A., & Grether, R. O. . (2023). EFFECT OF PAST AND FINE AGGREGATE CONTENT ON PERVIOUS CONCRETE PROPERTIES. Technology and Science Magazine, (46), 18–40. https://doi.org/10.33414/rtyc.46.18-40.2023

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