Comparison between Vtec Values Predicted by the Nequick2 Model and those Obtained from Gps on Boulder during Very Low Solar Activity


  • Joaquín Marcelo Lopez CIASUR, Facultad Regional Tucumán – Universidad Tecnológica Nacional- Argentina
  • Rodolfo Gerardo Ezquer FACET, CIASUR, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán – Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
  • Marcelo Roque Albornoz CIASUR, Facultad Regional Tucumán – Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Argentina
  • Carlos Exequiel Garay CIASUR, Facultad Regional Tucumán – Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Argentina
  • Luis Alberto Scidá CIASUR, FACET, Facultad Regional Tucumán – Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Argentina



Ionosphere, Vertical electron content, GPS, vtec, NeQuick2 model, middle latitude


A reliable specification of the state of the ionosphere given by empirical models is important to mitigate the effects that this ionospheric area produces on the operations of positional and navigation systems based on satellites.
This study evaluates the ability of the NeQuick2 model to predict vertical, total electron content (VTEC), to the height of the GPS satellites, over Boulder (40,00°N, 254.75°E), during a time of very low solar activity. To do this the model predictions are compared with VTEC values obtained from GPS satellite signals, published by the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) U.S.
Taking into account the uncertainties of the values of GPS VTEC published by the NGDC, the results show that this model generally behaves as a good predictor of the total electron content in the solar conditions considered.


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How to Cite

Lopez, J. M., Ezquer, R. G., Albornoz, M. R., Garay, C. E., & Scidá, L. A. (2019). Comparison between Vtec Values Predicted by the Nequick2 Model and those Obtained from Gps on Boulder during Very Low Solar Activity. Technology and Science Magazine, (34), 80–92.