Análisis de la Variabilidad de Líneas de Productos de Software Especificadas en Kconfig.


  • Matias Sequeira Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Argentina
  • Rocío González Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Argentina


Kconfig, variability, feature, feature model


Kconfig was created for describing the Linux kernel variability and, since then, various open source code development projects have adopted this language. These projects are highly configurable and are shaped by a big number of features or properties. Features in a configurable system interact in a non-trivial way, and this may introduce errors in products. On the other hand, there are tools like SPLOT that supports feature models analysis, allowing inconsistencies detection, dead features detection (which can’t be included in any model) and the number of derived products, among other functions. Since the exposed scenario, this paper proposes the translation of a variability model specified in Kconfig to a feature model specified in SPLOT in order to obtain information from properties of interest mentioned previously


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How to Cite

Sequeira, M., & González, R. (2018). Análisis de la Variabilidad de Líneas de Productos de Software Especificadas en Kconfig. Technology and Science Magazine, (29), 34–44. Retrieved from