Joints in ARAUCARIA ANGUSTIFOLIA wood: values of embedment strength
embedment strength, joints, Parana Pine, Araucaria Angustifolia, CIRSOC 601Abstract
In wood construction, to know the load-bearing capacity of the joints is an essential requirement to guarantee the structural stability of the whole. For its calculation, the embedment strength of the material is a basic parameter by any of the current methods.
In this work, embedment strength values were determined in parallel and perpendicular direction to the grain, according to UNE-EN 383:2007, for Araucaria angustifolia wood, with rigid bolts of diameters 5, 7 and 10 mm. A total of 388 tests were carried out, 189 in parallel direction and 199 in perpendicular direction.
The experimental development shows results below the reference values established in CIRSOC 601, therefore, it is suggested that the values specified in such Regulation must be used with caution until new works confirm or reject the observed trend.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Roberto Manavella, Alfredo Aníbal Guillaumet, María Cecilia Filippetti, Lía Caren Meyer, Andrea Daiana Tosco

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