10th National Congress on Informatic and Information Systems Engineering (CoNaIISI)


  • Facultad Regional Concepción del Uruguay UTN




10th National Congress on Informatic and Information Systems Engineering (CoNaIISI), organized by the Concepción del Uruguay Regional Faculty of the National Technological University (UTN-FRCU). This edition was held in the city of Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos, on November 3 and 4, 2022, and was held in hybrid format.

CoNaIISI is the annual national event, organized by the Network of Informatic / Information Systems Engineering Careers of CONFEDI (RIISIC), where professionals in this specialty meet to share their progress and generate links that lead to new developments. Students in training also come into direct contact, perhaps for the first time, with the world of scientific research, being able to share their work and receive feedback from their peers and from leaders in the discipline.

This was the 10th edition of CoNaIISI, and we believe that having reached this stage represents the consolidation of an event that can and should become a national and international reference in the discipline. This edition presented an additional challenge due to its hybrid modality, after the two editions that were held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this context, the Organizing Committee of the UTN-FRCU made an effort to reemphasize the communicational mission of the congresses, which seeks to promote an exchange among attendees on relevant or new aspects related to scientific activity, research, teaching and practice within an area of knowledge and professional activity. This communicational mission had been undermined in the last two years of virtuality, where the platforms mostly used for the realization of the congresses, based mainly on video calls, hindered the valuable informal and out of program exchanges that occur in the face-to-face congresses, either in the corridors, coffee breaks, camaraderie dinners, poster sessions, etc. However, it is also fair to point out that virtuality has made it possible to broaden the scope of the congresses, from geographical to economic aspects, and this congress was no exception, benefiting in multiple ways. The hybrid modality tried to combine the best of virtuality and presence.

The hybrid modality contemplated face-to-face participation at the campus, as well as virtual participation. To achieve this, a metaversal platform called Topia (https://topia.io/) was used, which has functionalities that allowed a more personal experience similar to the face-to-face one. Each user who connects to this platform has an avatar that can move within a virtual world, which in this case emulated the layout of the campus. During the congress it was possible to interact with other users through audio and video by proximity, attend each of the five plenary conferences in an area set up for this purpose, enter each of the classrooms where the sessions of oral presentation of scientific papers and student papers were held, and participate in the poster session, being able to dialogue with the authors in their virtual stands. Simultaneously, all sessions and conferences were broadcast on public YouTube channels, where it was also possible to interact via chat. At all times, the classrooms at the campus were projecting what was happening on this platform, so as not to lose contact between face-to-face and virtual participants. All this deployment required the collaboration of a team of technicians and coordinators who had to make sure that everything was running smoothly during the two days of the congress. This team was mainly made up of advanced students from our university, to whom we once again extend our deepest gratitude.

The organization and development of this 10th CoNaIISI has been very challenging and enriching for us, and we are very proud of the results achieved. This book of proceedings contains the abstracts of the 5 plenary conferences, which dealt with current issues and also with topics that are transversal to the training of professionals in the discipline. Of the 269 papers published, 8 belong to the Computer Forensics and Computer Security Track; 29 to the Computer Applications and Information Systems Track; 5 to the Databases Track; 24 to the Engineering Education Track; 26 to the Systems Engineering, Software Engineering and Project Management Track; 7 to the Computer Systems and Data Communication Track; 56 to the Final Thesis Track; 29 to the Extracurricular Student Research Papers Track; 63 to the 1st to 3rd level papers Track and; 22 to the 4th level and up Track.

We would like to thank the Permanent Committee of CoNaIISI, the members of RIISIC, the National Technological University and especially the whole community of the Regional Faculty of Concepción del Uruguay.

Comité Organizador
Comision Ejecutiva RIISIC 2022
Augusto Nasrallah (UTN-FRT)

Coordinador Suplente
Gastón Martín (UNL-FICH)

Secretarios Titulares
Liliana E. Rathmann (UAA Mar de Ajo)
Marcela Viviana Fernández (UTN-FRM)

Secretarios Suplentes
Patricia Zachman (UNCAus)
Patricia Cristaldo (UTN-FRCU)

Comision permanente RIISIC
Dr. Ing. Marcelo Marciszack (UTN - FRC)
Ing. Luis Perna (UTN - FRD)
Ing. Andrés Bursztyn (UTN - FRBA)
Dr. Daniel Riesco (UNSL)
Dra. Beatríz Gallo (UCASAL)
Ing. Roberto Muñoz (UTN - FRC)
Ing. Osvaldo D. Marcovecchio (UdeMM)
Dr. Carlos Neil (UAI)
Mg. Juan Carlos Calloni (UTN - FRSFco)
Ing. Roberto Sotomayor (UFASTA)
Lic. Augusto Nasrallah (UTN - FRT)

Comité Organizador Local UTN - FRCU
Mg. Patricia Cristaldo
Ing. Adrián Callejas

Dr. Carlos Casanova Pietroboni
Mg. Andrés Pascal
Esp. Claudia Álvarez
Mg. Rita Romani
Ing. Esteban Schab
Dr. Omar Faure
Esp. Soledad Retamar
Dr. Giovanni Róttoli
Mg. Adrián Planas

Comité Académico CoNaIISI 2022
Tecnologías Básicas de Ingenierías en Informática / Sistemas de Información
Chair: Mg. Andrés Pascal (UTN-FRCU)
Co-chair: Ing. Juan Carlos Vázquez (UTN-FRC)
Co-chair: Ing. Elias Todorovich (UNICEN)

Informática Forense y Seguridad Informática
Chair: Dra. Beatriz Gallo (UCASAL)
Co-chair: Ing. Nelson Roberto Sotomayor (UFASTA)
Co-chair: Ing. Matías Bel (UTN-FRCU)

Aplicaciones Informáticas y de Sistemas de Información
Chair: Dra. Milagros Gutiérrez (UTN-FRSF)
Co-chair: Dra. Lucila Romero (UNL)
Co-chair: Ing. Esteban Schab (UTN-FRCU)

Bases de Datos
Chair: Dr. Mario José Diván (UNLPam)
Co-chair: MCs. Norma Herrera (UNSL)
Co-chair: Mg. Adrián Nicolás Planas (UTN-FRCU)

Educación en Ingeniería
Chair: Dr. Carlos. Neil (UAI)
Co-chair: Mg. Juan Carlos Calloni (UTN-FRSFco)
Co-chair: Dr. Omar Faure (UTN-FRCU)

Ingeniería de Sistemas, Ingeniería de Software y Gestión de Proyectos
Chair: Dr. Marcelo Martín Marciszack (UTN-FRC)
Co-chair: Dr. Carlos Antonio Casanova Pietroboni (UTN-FRCU)
Co-chair: Dr. Pablo Fillottrani (UNS)

Sistemas de Computación y Comunicación de Datos
Chair: Dr. Mario A. Groppo (UTN-FRC)
Co-chair: Ing. César Daniel Cicerchia (UNDEF)
Co-chair: Mg. Ulises Rapallini (UTN-FRCU)

Trabajos de Final de Carrera
Chair: Dra. Patricia Zachman (UNCAUS)
Co-chair: Mg. Alejandro Vazquez (UTN-FRM)
Co-chair: Ing. Soledad Retamar (UTN-FRCU)

Trabajos de Cátedra de 1º a 3º año
Chair: Mg. Patricia Cristaldo (UTN-FRCU)
Co-chair: Ing. Andrés Bursztyn (UTN-FRBA)
Co-chair: Dra. Ana Garis (UNSL)

Trabajos de Cátedra de 4º año en adelante
Chair: Ing. Roberto Muñoz (UTN-FRC)
Co-chair: Ing. Gabriel Cerutti (UTN-FRSFco)
Co-chair: Ing. Gastón Martín (UNL)

Trabajos de Investigación de Estudiantes extra-cátedra
Chair: Dra. Luciana Ballejos (UTN-FRSF)
Co-chair: Lic. Augusto Nasrallah (UTN-FRT)
Co-chair: Ing. Claudia Verino (UTN-FRSFco)


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How to Cite

Concepción del Uruguay UTN, F. R. (2022). 10th National Congress on Informatic and Information Systems Engineering (CoNaIISI). AJEA (Proceedings of UTN Academic Conferences and Events), (17), 1–2021. https://doi.org/10.33414/ajea.1146.2022