Facultad Regional General Pacheco
Núm. AJEA 45 (2025): XLI RAC 2024 - 41° Reunión Académico Científica
Núm. AJEA 45 (2025): XLI RAC 2024 - 41° Reunión Académico Científica
AJEA is an open access publications reservoir of the National Technological University (UTN) of the Argentine Republic. The site is supervised by the UTN Secretariat of Science and Technology.
The objective of AJEA is to establish itself in a space that provides visibility to the products obtained from the different formats of scientific-technological meetings held by the UTN in any of its spaces and academic units.
In AJEA the books of the proceedings of the conferences, seminars, symposiums, congresses and various formats of scientific-technological meetings that are held at the UTN will be hosted under the academic supervision of teachers and officials.
The academic and editing managers of the volumes published in AJEA are the editors, presidents or coordinators of the meetings in which the published documents are generated.
AJEA declares that the copyright of the published works corresponds to the authors of these, any request for said rights must be sent to these
Este obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional.
ISSN 2683-8818
Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
Secretaría de Ciencia yTecnología , Rectorado
Sarmiento 440 (C1041AAJ)
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Teléfono: (011) 5371 -5630