IX National Virtual Seminar "ENERGY AND ITS EFFICIENT USE"


  • Universidad Tecnológica Nacional UTN




The Seminar “Energy and its Efficient Use” is organized by the Energy Program of the Secretary of Science, Technology and Postgraduate Studies of the UTN.

It is carried out at the different headquarters of the Regional Faculties throughout the country uninterruptedly since 2011. Chronologically they were carried out in Avellaneda, Mendoza, Santa Fe, General Pacheco, Neuquén, Bahía Blanca, Tucumán, La Plata and, this year it was celebrated virtually.

This Seminar is aimed at all the Centers and Groups that are members of the National Technological Network on Energy Efficiency, Directors and researchers of Energy Projects and Centers, with orientation in the field of "Energy and Energy Efficiency" (generation, transmission, distribution, alternative sources, alternative fuels and others) of all the Regional Faculties of the National Technological University.

The UTN Energy Program Council determined that despite the Pandemic, which complicates the progress of all current projects in this UTN Program, this virtual space is available so that all Centers, Groups and Projects can present at a meeting national scientist the progress of their research in the period 2019-2020.

On this occasion, at the IX Seminar on Energy and its Efficient Use that took place on November 26 and 27 2020 on the Virtual Platform, 37 scientific papers were presented with the contribution of more than 200 author researchers.


Secretaría de Ciencia, Tecnología y Posgrado de La UTN, Programa Energía Red Tecnológica Nacional sobre Eficiencia Energética (RedTecNEE)


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How to Cite

UTN, U. T. N. (2020). IX National Virtual Seminar "ENERGY AND ITS EFFICIENT USE". AJEA (Proceedings of UTN Academic Conferences and Events), (9). https://doi.org/10.33414/ajea.9.814.2020

Conference Proceedings Volume


Book of abstracts