Malbec grape pomace extract as a natural inhibitor of the corrosion of metallic materials


  • Patricia Silvana Carrizo, Doctoranda Departamento Electromecánica, Laboratorio Metalurgia, Área de Arqueometalurgia, Facultad Regional Mendoza, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Argentina
  • Cecilia Deyá Directora
  • Ariel Fontana Codirector



Corrosion, Inhibitors, Extracts, Renewables, Electrochemistry


Corrosion is a process of deterioration or destruction of metals that, although inevitable, is feasible to be controlled. Due to the toxicity of substances traditionally used as inhibitors of the corrosive process, there is a growing interest in exploring efficient, economical and environmentally friendly inhibitors. The objective of this work is to evaluate the anticorrosive efficiency of Malbec grape pomace extract (Vitis vinífera) against the corrosion of SAE 1010 steel in a sodium chloride medium. The extract was obtained by 2 extraction methods and the one with the highest total phenol content was determined with the Folin-Ciccolteau method and the one with the highest antioxidant capacity determined using ABTS (2,2-azino-bis- (3- ethyl-benzothiazolin-6 -ammonium sulfonate) To evaluate the anticorrosive efficiency, the evaluation of the corrosion potential and polarization tests of the substrate in suspension of grape pomace extract in NaCl were carried out. 0.5M sodium chloride solutions were used. The results obtained showed that the presence of pomace can inhibit the corrosion of SAE 1010 steel immersed in NaCl by reducing the corrosion rate.


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How to Cite

Carrizo, P. S., Deyá, C., & Fontana, A. (2020). Malbec grape pomace extract as a natural inhibitor of the corrosion of metallic materials. AJEA (Proceedings of UTN Academic Conferences and Events), (5).