Morphological characterization and hydrological risk map in the upper part of the hydrological system of the plain "Las Encadenadas" through the application of geomatic tools


  • Magalí SORIA Lab.Teledetección – Lab.Sistemas de Información Geográfica , Facultad Regional VT, UTN - Argentina
  • Pedro A. BASILE, Director
  • Gerardo RICCARDI, Director
  • Fernando TENTOR, Director


Hydrological Risk, Plain, Geomorphology, Geomatics


The present work consists of making a hydrological risk map for the upper part of the "Las Encadenadas" plain hydrological system, located in the south of the Province of Santa Fe.

In order to carry out this task, the QSWAT+ soil and water evaluation complement was used, which is developed within the QGIS Geographic Information Systems software platform.

In order to obtain precise material for the risk map, geomorphological characterization was performed: slope maps, runoff networks, sub-basin delimitation and hydrological response units were generated. In addition, hydrological-hydraulic modeling was carried out under the same objective. As a consequence of the responses of the simulations carried out, the Hydrological Risk Map was achieved.

This map shows the most relevant characteristics of hydrological risk in this plain area.


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How to Cite

SORIA, M., BASILE, P. A., RICCARDI, G., & TENTOR, F. (2020). Morphological characterization and hydrological risk map in the upper part of the hydrological system of the plain "Las Encadenadas" through the application of geomatic tools. AJEA (Proceedings of UTN Academic Conferences and Events), (1). Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume


Proceedings - Environment, Contingencies and Sustainable Development