Analysis of the impact of electric vehicles on an urban residential network in its dual mode of operation load-storage


  • Mariano Miguel PERDOMO CIESE - Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería Eléctrica y Sistemas Energéticos , Facultad Regional Santa Fe - UTN - Argentina
  • Marcos CEA CIESE - Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería Eléctrica y Sistemas Energéticos , Facultad Regional Santa Fe - UTN - Argentina
  • Dino GHISOLFI CIESE - Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería Eléctrica y Sistemas Energéticos , Facultad Regional Santa Fe - UTN - Argentina
  • Carlos Ariel LUCERO CIESE - Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería Eléctrica y Sistemas Energéticos , Facultad Regional Santa Fe - UTN - Argentina
  • Bruno PIROLA CIESE - Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería Eléctrica y Sistemas Energéticos , Facultad Regional Santa Fe - UTN - Argentina
  • Ulises MANASSERO, Director


Electric vehicles, Insertion, Demand curve, Charging system


For the purpose of reduce the pollution in the transport system, the electric vehicles emerge as replacement of the conventional means of locomotion. This paper presents an analysis of the level of electric vehicles   insertion in a 13,2 kV network, through the evaluation of different charger technologies (slow and semi-fast charging), different user consumption habits and a dual mode operation of the electric vehicles. Charge-discharge profiles were evaluated for the purpose of “flatten” the feeder demand curve. Successive daily load flows were made, gradually increasing the number of electric vehicles.

The results show that the network studied, supports a 100% insertion of electric vehicles for both load systems analysed. The limitations of the network are presented by overload in the first trunk tranche of the distributor. The semi-fast charging system generates greater impact in terms of power demanded in the network.


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How to Cite

PERDOMO, M. M., CEA, M., GHISOLFI, D., LUCERO, C. A., PIROLA, B., & MANASSERO, U. (2019). Analysis of the impact of electric vehicles on an urban residential network in its dual mode of operation load-storage. AJEA (Proceedings of UTN Academic Conferences and Events), (1). Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume


Proceedings - Energy

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