Determination of the retaining of protectors in the populus deltoides stoneville 67 by full cell method


  • Lucrecia DUTTO GIDEC - Grupo de Investigación de Estructuras Civiles - Facultad Regional Venado Tuerto - UTN - Argentina
  • Antonella SERRANI GIDEC - Grupo de Investigación de Estructuras Civiles - Facultad Regional Venado Tuerto - UTN - Argentina
  • Giuliana ROSALES GIDEC - Grupo de Investigación de Estructuras Civiles - Facultad Regional Venado Tuerto - UTN - Argentina
  • Lucas OLIVA GIDEC - Grupo de Investigación de Estructuras Civiles - Facultad Regional Venado Tuerto - UTN - Argentina
  • Alberto E. ARMAS, Director


Impregnación, preservantes, retención, madera


In the research process applied to the increase in durability conferred using natural and commercial preservatives, there is a need to accurately determine the liquid absorption capacity for each species of wood that can be treated, in order to specify the amount of assets necessary for a correct formulation and the volume of solution to prepare. In this conceptual framework, trials were initiated using native arboreal species characteristic of the forest development of the Argentine Republic that are not tabulated in specific manuals. The test specimens meet the conditions according to European Standard (EN 252). The calculation of determination of the retention capacity of the wood tested was carried out according to the statistical method of grouping by intervals.



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How to Cite

DUTTO, L., SERRANI, A., ROSALES, G., OLIVA, L., & ARMAS, A. E. (2019). Determination of the retaining of protectors in the populus deltoides stoneville 67 by full cell method. AJEA (Proceedings of UTN Academic Conferences and Events), (1). Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume


Proceedings - Civil Structures and Constructions