Tool for the evaluation of the e-commerce infrastructures performance in private clouds computing


  • Laura Doval TEMPORELLI Departamento Ing. En Sistamas de Información - Facultad Regional Santa Fe - UTN - Argentina
  • Ana Rosa TYMOSCHUK, Directora
  • Carlos CHEZZI, Codirector


e-commerce, private cloud, performance, metrics


The advance of information systems allows to have new technology infrastructure for e-commerce. Cloud computing is very popular, offering services pricing depending on comsuming resources, mainly virtual machines. This way is not necesary to start investing on infraestructure. This paper presents an infrastructure developed in a private cloud, an e-commerce website is implemented on a virtual machine platform and different scenarios are evaluated with a simulator tool to obtain necessary metrics to make decisions about the infrastructure type to be adopted for the electronic business model.


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How to Cite

TEMPORELLI, L. D., TYMOSCHUK, A. R., & CHEZZI, C. (2019). Tool for the evaluation of the e-commerce infrastructures performance in private clouds computing. AJEA (Proceedings of UTN Academic Conferences and Events), (1). Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume


Proceedings - Information and Computer Systems

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