The co-organization and execution of the 41st ACADEMIC SCIENTIFIC MEETING 2024 (41st RAC 2024) of the TEACHERS FORUM OF THE MECHANICAL AREA OF THE ENGINEERINGS (FoDAMI), in collaboration with the General Pacheco Regional Faculty (FRGP) of the National Technological University (UTN), was a significant event. The meeting took place on October 17 and 18, 2024, in a hybrid format, allowing both in-person and virtual participation of a large number of members. It provided a space for academic and technicalscientific exchange, fostering the presentation and dissemination of innovative aspects and valuable academic experiences. The main goal was to contribute to higher education through valuable insights while also strengthening knowledge transfer and industrial collaboration, ultimately supporting the continuous advancement of Mechanical Engineering and related fields.
A notable innovation was the option to present Extended Abstracts. These documents were prepared on a one-page format summarizing the respective works. After being reviewed and accepted, they were presented during the meeting. The evaluation criteria considered works related to all areas of Mechanical Engineering, following the established format. It is worth noting that 20 high-quality Extended Abstracts were submitted and accepted, covering research, development, technology transfer, outreach, technical, and academic works, both completed and in progress.
FoDAMI has a history of nearly twenty-four years, since its founding act was signed on October 28, 2000, enriched by the support and collaboration of various university institutions. As we approach this anniversary, we highlight the valuable contribution of the General Pacheco Regional Faculty of the National Technological University, which played a crucial role in organizing the 41st ASM 2024. The efforts of its authorities, faculty, researchers, students, and staff, particularly those from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, significantly contributed to the successful realization of this event, ensuring the high quality and relevance of the presented works.
Knowledge and education are essential tools for supporting Engineering and its teaching. Sharing experiences and achievements in a selfless manner, aligned with the needs of Argentine society and national industry, fosters continuous actions with active participation from key stakeholders—organizers, participants, attendees, and sponsors. This mutual collaboration enhances the training processes of graduates in Mechanical Engineering and related disciplines.
For all these reasons, we are pleased to express our gratitude for the valuable participation and hope that attendees enjoyed the 41st ASM 2024, fostering positive expectations for future meetings. We look forward to continuing to build bridges for professional and academic growth, especially as we approach 2025, marking the 25th anniversary of FoDAMI.
Esp. Ing. José Luis García, Decano UTN FRGP
Dr. Ing. Gustavo Cazzola, Director Dto. Mecánica FRGP UTN
Mg. Ing. Alejandro Ferreiro, Presidente FoDAMI
Esp. Ing. Leonardo Plaun, Secretario FoDAMI
Dr. Ing. Gustavo Cazzola, FoDAMI – FRGP UTN
Dr. Adrian Canzian, FRGP UTN
Mg. Ing. Juan Carlos Pérez Arrieu, FRGP UTN
Mg. Ing. Alejandro Ferreiro, FoDAMI – UNSE
Dr. Ing. Rogelio Hecker, FoDAMI – UNLPam
Esp. Ing. Leonardo Plaun, FoDAMI – FRBA UTN
Mg. Ing. Sandra Robles, FoDAMI - UNS
Dra. María Isabel Sosa, FoDAMI – UNLP
Ing. Gabriel Dasso, Industrias Berg SA – CABA
Esp. Ing. Daniel Ades, FoDAMI - UNR
Dr. Ing. Carlos Juárez, FoDAMI – UNSE
Ing. Javier Antezana López, FoDAMI – UTN FRD
Ing. Gustavo Flores, FoDAMI – UNLPam
Esp. Ing. Prof. Alberto Romeo, FoDAMI
Ing. Antonio Lukjaniec, FoDAMI – UM
Dr. Ing. José Di Paolo, FoDAMI – UTN FRSF
Ing. Anibal Chicojay Coloma, FoDAMI – USAC Guatemala
Ing. Daniela Alessio, FoDAMI – UNS
Ing. Rodolfo Duelli, FoDAMI – UNRC
Dr. Ing. Ricardo Mario Amé, FoDAMI – UNLZ
Dr. Ing. Gustavo Cazzola, FoDAMI – FRGP UTN
Mg. Ing. Alejandro Ferreiro, FoDAMI – UNSE
Dr. Ing. Rogelio Hecker, FoDAMI – UNLPam
Esp. Ing. Leonardo Plaun, FoDAMI – FRBA UTN
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