Science and Technology Conference 2023


  • Facultad Regional San Francisco UTN Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional San Francisco, Córdoba, Argentina



Every year, the San Francisco Regional Faculty of the National Technological University (Universidad Tecnológica Nacional), organizes its Science and Technology Conference (Jornadas de Ciencia y Tecnología) with the priority of strengthening ties between research groups from our Faculty, other UTN Faculties, and even other institutions. The main topics are transversal to the local bachelor and postgraduate careers.
The main form of participation is the presentation of scientific articles on research that may be at various stages. This implies that works in progress are admitted, even with partial results, typically in the context of approved R&D projects, where it is common for undergraduate or graduate students to participate as co-authors as a natural part of their R&D training process.
The papers submitted are subjected to a “single blind” peer review. In this process, constructive contributions and feedback from the reviewers are encouraged, in line with the aforementioned participation of students as co-authors. The approved papers are finally published in this book of proceedings, which is made available to the public in open access mode.
For each edition of these Conferences, different activities are organized according to the particular needs and possibilities for each year, even going completely virtual when required. For instance, in recent years, dissertations were organized on the status in various technological disciplines. For the current edition, instead, a modality was restored that implies that the articles could be presented orally, while the option of presenting a poster remained. The oral presentation variant is particularly valuable for students taking their first steps in R&D to have their first experience in presenting this kind of papers. Apart from this, a closing dissertation was implemented in order to generate additional motivation for undergraduate and graduate students to stay involved in research activities.
With over twenty years of uninterrupted organization, this Conference offers a space for the exchange and dissemination of science and technology contents, but above all serves as a meeting point for students, professors, and researchers, beyond their specific interests and areas of work. A hybrid modality was implemented again in this 2024 edition, to expand the participation of speakers from other locations.
After the compilation of the approved articles, which constitute full refereed papers, this digital book is generated, edited according to AJEA regulations, including DOI and ISBN.

Facultad Regional San Francisco – UTN
Decano: Ing. Esp. Alberto R. Toloza
Vicedecana: Ing. Claudia Mariela Verino
Secretario Académico: Mg. Ing. Juan Carlos Calloni
Secretario de Extensión y Cultura Universitaria: Ing. Alejandro Raúl Trossero
Secretario de Ciencia y Tecnología: Dr. Ing. Diego Martín Ferreyra
Secretario Administrativo: Ing. César Daniel Mina
Secretario de Asuntos Estudiantiles: Ing. Micaela Alejandra Sanmartino
Secretaria de Posgrado: Ing. Claudia Mariela Verino
Subsecretaria General: Ing. Carolina Inés Apendino
Subsecretario de Vinculación Tecnológica: Ing. Ezequiel Gribaudo
Subsecretario de Vinculación Institucional: Tec. Ezequiel Alejandro Fusero
Subsecretaria de Planeamiento Académico: Ing. Paulo Jesús Gianoglio
Directora Académica: Tec. Analía Fabiana Armando
Directora Administrativa: Lic. Patricia Marchetti
Directora de Recursos Humanos: Lic María Angélica Navarro
Directora de Servicios Generales: Lic. Mariela Olga Sánchez
Directora de Dpto de Ing. Química: Dra. Ing. Paula Carolina Garnero
Director de Dpto de Ing. en Sistemas de Información: Ing. Esp. Gabriel Rubén Cerutti
Director de Dpto de Ing Electromecánica: Ing. Fabián Kranevitter
Director de Dpto de Ing. Electrónica: Mag. Ing. Gastón Carlos Peretti
Director de Dpto de Lic. en Administración Rural: Cdor. Daniel Roberto Ricci
Director de Dpto de Materias Básicas: Ing. Esp. Gustavo Yoaquino
Coordinadora de Ing. Industrial: Ing. Carolina Inés Apendino
Coordinador de Tec. Universitaria en Programación: Mag. Ing. Javier Daniel Saldarini

Miembros del Comité Organizador
Diego Alejandro Cocconi
Diego Martin Ferreyra
Claudia del Valle Mercol
Lorena Elizabeth del Valle Peralta
Hugo Antonio Pipino
Oscar Miguel Rete
Lucía Belén Sobrero
María Eugenia Taverna

Miembros del Comité Cientifico
Ing. Abrile Mariana Guadalupe
Dr. Adam Eduardo José
Dra. Aloisio Carolina
Dra. Andreatta Alfonsina Ester
Ing. Armando Silvana María
Lic. Badella María Laura
Dra. Bernard Mariana
Dr. Bernardi Emanuel
Dra. Bertero Melisa Paola
Ing. Bertossi Marcelo Leonides
Ing. Bressán Luisina Beatriz
Dr. Britch Javier
Mg. Burgos Enrique Sergio
Ing. Busano Facundo Nicolás
Lic. Busatto Carlos Alberto
Mg. Calloni Juan Carlos
Ing. Cappelletti Carlos Alberto
Mg. Carrizo Claudio
Esp. Castelló Gonzalo
Esp. Cerutti Gabriel Ruben
Ing. Chiappero Lucio Rafael
Ing. Cocconi Diego Alejandro
Dr. Cravero Ricardo Alberto
Esp. Depetris Leonardo José
Ing. Depetris Lorenzo Jesus
Mg. Diaz Dario Walter
Ing. Dietta Leandro Emanuel
Dr. Donolo Pablo Daniel
Ing. Dopazo Manuel Joaquín
Dr. Estevez Bolivar Pedro Antonio
Ing. Felissia Sergio Francisco
Esp. Fernández Juan Pedro
Mg. Ferreira da Silva Eduardo Augusto
Dr. Ferreyra Diego Martín
Esp. Ferreyra Juan Pablo
Ing. Florena Edgardo Fernando
Dr. Fookes Federico
Ing. Garay Ruben Carlos
Dr. García Juan Rafael
Dra. Garnero Paula Carolina
Dra. Gilbert Elangeni
Dr. Gomez Leticia Ester
Ing. Gribaudo Ezequiel
Dra. Guntero Vanina Alejandra
Dra. Gutierrez Marina Verònica
Ing. Guzmán Silvina
Dra. Hormaiztegui María Eugenia Victoria
Dr. Karp Federico
Dra. Malatesta Alicia Angélica
Ing. Marlatto Raúl Alberto
Dra. Martínez Figueredo Karla Geraldine
Dr. Mayorga Betancourt Manuel Alejandro
Ing. Miretti Marco Luis
Ing. Mussetta Sebastian Norberto
Ing. Musso Daniel José
Dra. Navarro Lucila
Mag. Neira Rodolfo Eduardo
Mg. Novara Franco Matías
Ing, Orecchia Daiana
Ing. Peralta Micaela Belén
Mag. Peretti Gastón
Dr. Pipino Hugo
Ing. Porporatto María Celeste
Dr. Pujro Tarquino Richard Alfonzo
Dr. Puliafito Enrique
Ing. Quicchi Agostina Lucía
Dr. Raspo Matías Alejandro
Dr. Redolfi Javier Andrés
Dr. Rete Oscar Miguel
Mg. Rodríguez Gustavo Miguel
Ing. Ros Mario Alberto
Mg. Saldarini Javier
Dr. Sangoi Emmanuel
Ing. Sarmiento Ana Carina
Mg. Sarmiento Leandro
Dr. Saux Clara
Ing. Schultheis María Victoria
Dra. Serra Mónica Andrea
Ing. Soria Laureana Rosario
Ing. Szwarc Gerardo Daniel
Dr. Taverna María Eugenia
Ing. Tonini Walter René
Ing. Toselli Luis Alberto
Esp. Uribe Echevarría Milena Esther
Mg. Vázquez Manuela
Ing. Vera Marcela Andrea
Dr. Vignola María Belén
Dra. Villada Yurany Andrea
Mg. Yennerich Germán
Ing. Yoaquino Gustavo Javier
Mg. Yuan Rebeca
Dr. Zanuttini María Soledad


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How to Cite

San Francisco UTN , F. R. . (2024). Science and Technology Conference 2023. AJEA (Proceedings of UTN Academic Conferences and Events), (AJEA 44).

Conference Proceedings Volume


Book of Proceedings