Specimen conditioning for the accelerated carbonation test


  • Francisco Ulibarrie Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo para la Construcción y la Vivienda (CECOVI), Facultad Regional Santa Fe, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (Lavaisse 610, Santa Fe) - Argentina
  • Sebastián Vanney Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo para la Construcción y la Vivienda (CECOVI), Facultad Regional Santa Fe, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (Lavaisse 610, Santa Fe) - Argentina


Carbonation, Accelerated Carbonation, Specimen Condition, Cement


Carbonation in concret is a process that occurs naturally in the environment. It occurs when the carbon dioxide (CO2) present in the air enters the concrete and combines with the calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2. This process is generally manifested in a homogeneous way through what is known as the “carbonation front”. In reinforced concrete, when said front reaches the concrete covering the reinforcement, the protection of the steel is broken, leaving it exposed to corrosion.
Due to the slowness of this in the natural environment, researchers have looked for a way to represent it in the laboratory to accelerate the phenomenon.
Based on our own work and experiences, the need to carry out a conditioning of the specimens prior to the accelerated carbonation test was detected. The objective of this work is to define a methodology for this conditioning.


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How to Cite

Ulibarrie, F., & Vanney, S. (2023). Specimen conditioning for the accelerated carbonation test. AJEA (Proceedings of UTN Academic Conferences and Events), (24). Retrieved from https://rtyc.utn.edu.ar/index.php/ajea/article/view/1278

Conference Proceedings Volume


Proceedings - Materials

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