Image Classifier Model Training for Interactive Museography.


  • Francisco Levrino Facultad Regional San Francisco, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Argentina
  • Lucía V. Castellano Facultad Regional San Francisco, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Argentina
  • Rocío Boriglio Facultad Regional San Francisco, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Argentina


Image recognition, Neuronal network, Interactive museography, User experience, interactive guides


This work presents the first steps on the classifier training using a neuronal network “YOLO”. The proposal is to employ this tool at the Museo Interactivo de Ciencias (MuIC) to promote interactive museography, introducing image recognition with mobile devices. The aim is to integrate this identification mechanism to provide audiovisual guides to MuiC visitors. In this way, the users will be able to enjoy an independent experience, guided by their curiosity on the proposal games, and give a visual cleaning removing the QR codes.


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How to Cite

Levrino, F., Castellano, L. V., & Boriglio, R. (2024). Image Classifier Model Training for Interactive Museography. AJEA (Proceedings of UTN Academic Conferences and Events), (AJEA 38). Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume


Proceedings - Information and Computer Systems