JEIN 2021 - The 8th Conference on Engineering Teaching


  • Facultad Regional Santa Fe UTN



The 8th Conference on Engineering Teaching (JEIN), organized by the “Educational Technology and Engineering Teaching Program” from the Rectorship of Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN) in the year 2021, was conducted by the Department of Basic Sciences, Facultad Regional Santa Fe (UTN).

Online Conference sessions were conducted, together with a-synchronic (rooms for videos of proceedings) and protocol synchronic activities, discussion and debates of presented works.
28–31 March, 2022
From December 2 to 3, 2021, videos for all of the 40 papers were presented, while authors shared interesting experiences, research progress, reflections and proposals related to the teaching of engineering.
The topic areas proposed at JEIN 2021 were as follows,

Technologies Applied to Education (TAE)
Didactics at the University and University Teaching Practice
Teaching of Engineering and Training for Engineers
Teaching and Learning Evaluation
Curriculum Innovation in Engineering
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and University Social Responsibility (USR)
Linking Research with Engineering Teaching
Linking High School with University for Engineering Careers.
Engineering Teaching in times of pandemic: traditional rooms, online and/or hybrid rooms (synchronic/a synchronic online and/or face-to-face classes)
The present document collects each of the papers presented for the different topic areas.

Autoridades (al momento del evento)

Rector: Ing. Héctor Aiassa

Vicerrector: Ing. Haroldo Avetta

Coordinador del Programa de Tecnología Educativa y Enseñanza de la Ingeniería (TEyEI):
Dr. Claudio Dominighini

Directora Dpto. Materias Básicas: Mg. Sonia Pastorelli
Secretaria Dpto. Materias Básicas: Dra. Eva Silvana Casco

Ing. María Elvira Rodríguez
Lic. Virginia Heritier
Ing. Esteban Lazzaroni
Mg. Marcela Susana Ambrosini
Lic. José Maximiliano Schiappa Pietra

Comité Evaluador Facultad Regional Santa Fe:

Mg. Sonia Pastorelli
Dra. Eva Silvana Casco
Dr. Alfonso Gimenez Uribe
Mg. Marcela Susana Ambrosini
Dra. Mauren Fuentes Mora
Dra. Vanina Mazzieri
Mag. Lic. Claudio Enrique

Comité Evaluador Facultad Regional Avellaneda:

Mg. Gustavo Bender
Dra. Karina Ferrando
Esp. Ing. Leonardo Melo
Aval Académico: Red IPECyT


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How to Cite

UTN, F. R. S. F. (2022). JEIN 2021 - The 8th Conference on Engineering Teaching . AJEA (Proceedings of UTN Academic Conferences and Events), (14).

Conference Proceedings Volume

