JIT 2021 - Jornadas Jóvenes Investigadores Tecnológicos


  • Facultad Regional Santa Fe UTN




COVID 19 pandemic, ocurred since March 2020, produced changes in University activities, including research and development, but this did not stop the Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores Tecnológicos, continuing, both in the eighth as in the ninth edition. The virtual modality allowed the exhibition of R&D works by students and recent graduates, after evaluating the written presentation.
The virtual event was held on October 6 and 7, 2021, in Facultad Regional Santa Fe, and organized in conjunction with the other 4 FACULTAD REGIONAL s of the Province of Santa Fe: Rafaela, Reconquista, Venado Tuerto and Rosario. The TICS members of Facultad Regional Santa Fe developed the platform, taking as a model the one used in the JIT 2020, based in the FACULTAD REGIONAL VT, and provided by the San Facultad Regional ancisco Regional Faculty.
62 written works were presented in 12 of the UTN’s R&D Thematic Area Programs, with a total of 101 authors. Twenty coordinators and 97 evaluators participated in papers acceptance process and presentations were moderated by 21 research professors. The works were presented live in an arrangement of 3 parallel sessions (using Zoom meetings and a YouTube channel for mass dissemination). The rest were presented in a pre-recorded video session. Live talks and pre-recorded videos are available online (https://jit2021.Facultad Regional sf.utn.edu.ar/).
The talk “Technological professions linked to the areas of Research, Development and Innovation. Present cases and future opportunities”, together with Dr. Emiliano Reynares, who currently works at Boehringer Ingelheim company, and Mg. Leonardo Cristalli, CEO of the Okaratech Company, oriented to digital agriculture. Video was available online https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPD8K7GW-aw
At the end of the Conference, a special mention was made of the 10 most popular videos, based on the number of views during the Conference and the 10 best written papers.
The Organizing Committee and the authorities of the RF of Santa Fe appreciate the participation of the attendees, exhibitors, evaluators, moderators, coordinators, sponsors, ICT technicians and all those who made it possible to carry out this ninth edition JIT, whose next venue will be the FACULTAD REGIONAL Reconquista in 2022.


Autoridades (al momento del evento):

Rector UTN: Ing. Héctor Aiassa
Secretario de Ciencia, Tecnología y Posgrado UTN: Ing. Miguel Sosa

Decanos de las Facultades Regionales organizadoras:
Facultad Regional Rafaela: Ing. Jorge David
Facultad Regional Rosario: Ing. Rubén Ciccarelli
Facultad Regional Reconquista: Ing. Santiago Arnulphi
Facultad Regional Venado Tuerto: Ing. Jorge Amigo
Facultad Regional Santa Fe: Ing. Rudy Grether

Secretarios de CyT de las Facultades Regionales organizadoras:
Facultad Regional Rosario: Dr. Nicolás Scenna
Facultad Regional Rafaela: Ing. Marcelo Laorden
Facultad Regional Reconquista: Ing. Brian Moschen
Facultad Regional Venado Tuerto: Dr. Leandro Prevosto
Facultad Regional Santa Fe: Dra. Ana Rosa Tymoschuk

Invitada Especial
Lic. Marina Baima, Secretaria de Ciencia y Tecnología, Ministerio de Producción, Ciencia y Tecnología de la Provincia de Santa Fe

Colaboradores de las Facultades Regionales organizadoras:
Facultad Regional Rosario: Dra. Ana Marisa Arias
Facultad Regional Rafaela: Lic. Alejandra Mahieu
Facultad Regional Santa Fe: Dra. Anabela Guilarducci, Mg. José Luis Torres, Dr. Ariel Loyarte, Ing. María Elvira Rodríguez
Facultad Regional Santa Fe, Área TIC: Ing. Gustavo Pighin, Ing. Juan Carlos Ramos, Ing. Leopoldo Oronel.
Facultad Regional Santa Fe, Área Comunicaciones: Téc. Nahuel Gastón Zabala, Téc. Germán Saudejaud, Téc. Rodrigo Castillo.
Facultad Regional Santa Fe, Secretaría de Ciencia y Tecnología: Ing. Patricia Acevedo, Téc. Mauro Avalo, Téc. Marcela Tulián

Comité Académico Científico

Javier Acosta, Alejandro Albanesi, Marcela Ambrosini, Jorge Amigo, Ana Marisa Arias, Luciana Ballejos, María Florencia Balzarini, Juan Marcos Banegas, Loreley Beltramini, Sonia Benz, Paola Biscotti, María Julia Blas, Rosana Boglione, Santiago Cabrera, María Fernanda Carrasco, Eva Casco, Mariel Ale, Juan Camilo Chamorro, Maria cristina Ciappini, Ángel Ciarbonetti, Patricia Mores, Rossana Crudeli, Roberto Pablo Da Graca, Adrian D’Andrea, Evangelina Delfratte, Felipe Diaz, Erica Fernandez, Liliana Ferranti, María Cecilia Filippetti, Mauren Fuentes Mora, Silvio Gonnet, Ariel González, Dianela González, Anabela Guilarducci, Alfredo Anibal Guillaumet, María De Los Milagros Gutiérrez, Raúl Hurani, Fernando Imaz, Juan Jaurena, Susana Keller, Pablo A. Kler, Rodrigo Leurino, Román Rafael Llorens, Diego López, Jacinto Diab Losada, Ariel Loyarte, Alejandra Mahieu, Juan Ignacio Manassaldi, Ulises Manassero, Luciano Marani, Santiago Márquez Damián, Héctor Martín, Sandra M. Mendoza, Héctor Mónaco, Brian Moschen, Sergio Mussati, Miguel Mussati, Juan José Nittmann, Diego Gabriel Oliva, Matías Orué, Cecilia Panigatti, Mara Jaquelina Papa, Rosana Marcela Portillo, Leandro Prevosto, Pedro Querini, Sandra Cristina Ramírez, María Reinheimer, Fabiana María Riva, María Elvira Rodríguez, María Luciana Roldán, Nadia Román, Omar Romero, Mariano Rubiolo, Sebastián Russillo, Emmanuel Sangoi, Carlos Ignacio Sanseverinatti, Judith Santa Cruz, Alejandro Santa Cruz, Nicolás José Scenna, María Celeste Schierano, Mariano Serenelli, Fabricio Sfulcini, Irene Steinmann, José Luis Torres, Néstor Ulibarrie, Marcela Vegetti, Marcela Vera, Darío Weitz, Laura Zanitti, Lara Zingaretti, David Zumoffen


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How to Cite

UTN, F. R. S. F. (2022). JIT 2021 - Jornadas Jóvenes Investigadores Tecnológicos. AJEA (Proceedings of UTN Academic Conferences and Events), (13). https://doi.org/10.33414/ajea.891.2021