I National Congress of Fishing Engineering + V Conference of Fishing Engineering


  • Facultad Regional Chubut UTN




This book is a compilation of the activities developed within the context of the I National Congress of Fisheries Engineering (CONIPE 2019). The congress was conceived as a celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Fisheries Engineering career in Argentina and was held in Puerto Madryn (Argentina) from 27 to 29 November 2019. This event allowed to gather together those who, with their effort and commitment, contribute day by day to guide the progress of our country´s fisheries and aquaculture towards sustainable development. It also promoted the exchange of knowledge and debate on priority issues related to the fishing and aquaculture activities, with the presence and active participation of all stakeholders in the value chain. The activities carried out were: plenary talks, presentations, round tables of discussion, and courses; and were linked to the following keynotes: Fisheries-Aquaculture Resources and their Value Chain; Fisheries Economy, Environment and Sustainable Development; Education, Science, Technology and Innovation; and Public Policies for Fisheries-Aquaculture Development.

Organizing committee
Chairwoman: Ing. Soraya Corvalán
Vicepresidenta: Ing. Diana Bohn
Secretario: Lic. Cecilia Castaños

Academic coordination, evaluation and publications
Responsable Dr. Martín García Asorey

Dra. Agustina Ferrando
Dra. Ana Cinti
Dra. Jimena Dima
Dra. Mónica Primost
Dr. Alejandro Canio
Dr. Fernando Dellatorre
Dr. Nicolás Ortiz
Ing. Cristina Fernández
Ing. Dante Pereira
Ing. Diana Bohn
Ing. Ezequiel Latour
Ing. Jorge Álvarez
Ing. Omar Nieto
Ing. Soraya Corvalán
Ing. Valeria Solana
Lic. Cecilia Castaños
Lic. Lorena Álvarez Manriquez
Mag. Beatriz Lupín
Mag. Marcela Álvarez

Operational Coordination (logistics and infrastructure)
Responsable Lic. Milagros Arguimbau
Ing. Ezequiel Latour
Sra. Mercedes Magdalena González
Srta. Sabrina Parente
Sra. Margarita Vallejos
Lic. María Belén Martini
Ing. Cristina Fernández

Communication and image coordination
Responsable Lic. Laura Expósito
Ing. Cora Rohlman
Ing. Ximena Garralda
Ing. Brian Lewis
Lic. Rocío Pérez

ICT Subcommittee
Lic. Damián Giacone
Lic. Jimena Rodríguez
Ing. Claudia González

Administration and budget coordination
Responsable Lic. Santiago Raynoldi
Lic. Cecilia Castaños
Lic. Soledad Inostrosa

CONIPE Student
Ing. Diana Bohn - Ing. Ximena Garralda - Lic. Soledad Inostrosa - Lic. Elizabeth Pérez Bruno - Dr. Martin García Asorey - Dr. Fernando Dellatorre - Lic. Mariana Serra - Ing. Brian Lewis - Lic. María Belén Martini - Sr. Eloy López – Srita. Martina Fiedorowicz Kowal - Sr. Mariano Bariffuzza - Sr. Mario Schinca - Sr. Rodrigo Chacón

Lucas Febrer - Andrea Carmona - Agustina Ferrando - Ayelén Duarte - Marcela Ñonquepan - Rocío Paillalef - Valentina Orellano - Agustín Terceros - Milagros Pérez - Katherine Hurtado

Non-teaching collaborators of CONIPE and CONIPE Student
Sabrina Parente - Fonseca Mónica Liliana - Gabriela Elizabeth Romero - Valeria Esther Valcovich - Mercedes Magdalena González - Daniel Guillermo Zotelo - Solange Isidro - Giuliana Erika Matschke - Margarita Ester Decima - Julio Ricardo Valcovich - Pablo Hidalgo del Castillo - Marcos Sebastián Adán - Valeria Bentaverri - María Celeste Ferruggia - Tomas Miguel Luquet - Pedro Ramiro Fonseca - María Cristina Urquía - Maximiliano Daniel Erratchu - Vanesa Natalia Ledesma - Joaquín Ariel Rodríguez - Fiorella Luciana Matschke - Margarita Flora Vallejos Pino.


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2021-12-20 — Updated on 2022-03-07

How to Cite

Chubut UTN, F. R. . (2022). I National Congress of Fishing Engineering + V Conference of Fishing Engineering. AJEA (Proceedings of UTN Academic Conferences and Events), (1). https://doi.org/10.33414/ajea.1.873.2019