A Hierarchical Two-tier Approach to Hyper-parameter Optimization in Reinforcement Learning


  • Juan Cruz Barsce, Doctorando Grupo de investigación en simulación para Energía Química, Facultad Regional Villa María, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Argentina
  • Ernesto Martínez Director
  • Jorge Palombarini Codirector




​reinforcement learning, hyper-parameter optimization, Bayesian optimization, Bayesian optimization of combinatorial structures (BOCS)


Optimization of hyper-parameters in reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms is a key task, because they determine how the agent will learn its policy by interacting with its environment, and thus what data is gathered. An approach that uses Bayesian optimization to perform a two-step optimization is proposed: first, categorical RL structure hyper-parameters are taken as binary variables and optimized with an acquisition function tailored for such variables. Then, at a lower level of abstraction, solution-level hyper-parameters are optimized by resorting to the expected improvement acquisition function, while using the best categorical hyper-parameters found in the optimization at the upper-level of abstraction. This two-tier approach is validated in a simulated control task. Results obtained are promising and open the way for more user-independent applications of reinforcement learning.


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How to Cite

Barsce, J. C., Martínez, E., & Palombarini, J. (2020). A Hierarchical Two-tier Approach to Hyper-parameter Optimization in Reinforcement Learning. AJEA (Proceedings of UTN Academic Conferences and Events), (5). https://doi.org/10.33414/ajea.5.744.2020