Motion planning for a formation of autonomous robots


  • Maira Estefanía Pereyra, Doctoranda Centro de Investigación en Informática para la Ingeniería (CIII), Facultad Regional Córdoba, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Argentina
  • R. Gastón Araguás Director
  • Gonzalo Pérez Paina Codirector
  • Miroslav Kulich Codirector



Genetic Algorithm, A* algorithm, path planning, evolutive operators, mobile robot, Voronoi diagram, transition states graph, multirobots


In this work the latest research results are presented within the framework of the thesis Motion planning for a formation of autonomous robots. Path planning is the task of finding a continuous path that will drive the robot from the start to the goal location avoiding collisions with obstacles. Based on the Simple Genetic Algorithm (AGS) exploration method and the classic A* search algorithm, a hybrid path planning algorithm for multirobots systems is proposed. This algorithm finds the optimal (or near-optimal) collision-free paths of a robot formation from an initial configuration to a final configuration, taking into account the possibility of separation and their subsequent reunification (split&merge). The results of the simulations show that the algorithm is suitable for use in complex environments with obstacles and for a multirobots system.


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How to Cite

Pereyra, M. E., Araguás, R. G., Pérez Paina, G., & Kulich, M. (2020). Motion planning for a formation of autonomous robots. AJEA (Proceedings of UTN Academic Conferences and Events), (5).