5th. Sustainable Energy Congress (CES)
The Sustainable Energy Congress (CES) is an event of local, regional, national and international scope that, since its first edition in 2014, has promoted a multisectoral dialogue on the challenges and opportunities of the present and future of an energy transition upholding inclusion and equity as values to be preserved.
In a world where information is constantly flowing and connection opportunities are multiplying, the CES stands as the epicenter of energy discussions in the region, bringing together public and private institutions from the academic, scientific and technological fields, cooperatives, other civil society organizations (NGOs) and individual citizens, with the aim of constituting a scenario of linkage and articulation between its various references, discussing and learning.
The CES was born in 2013, from an initiative of a group of teachers and managers of the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Bahía Blanca and the Universidad Nacional del Sur and Engineering Careers in charge, based in the city of Bahía Blanca. It immediately attracted the interest and support of Colegio de Ingenieros de la Provincia de Buenos Aires and, soon after, of the Universidad Provincial del Sudoeste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.
Across its five editions, the activities took place in the facilities that host and organizing Universities lent. Each time the conference spanned four days of around 10 hours long activities.
Across every new edition morning hours were reserved for conferences, seminars and round tables, with the aim of disseminating the topics to the largest number of interested participants, with special attention to those who are part of the local community and the region, since techno-energy education and knowledge transfer to citizenship hold as key objectives within CES founding vision.
In a similar fashion, evening hours were devoted to research, technical and field-work papers peer-approved by the conference academic committee, where the framework was created for the audience's intervention on topics such as: opportunities and international commitments related to climate change and its relation to energy; the development of low-emission energy sources and the advances in their respective technological systems; legal and regulatory frameworks and the scope of public policies on energy, on growth and economic development. For this 5th edition 61 technical papers passed the peer-review stage.
Comité organizador
Presidente - UTN
Dr. Ing. Horacio R. di Prátula
Secretario Técnico - UNS
Ing. Guillermo Kalocai
Mg. Ing. M. Mercedes Marinsalta - UTN
Mg. Ing. Eduardo Guillermo - UTN
Ing. Cecilia Dolcini - CIPBA
Ing. Pablo Ascolani - CIPBA
Lic. Araceli Kreder - UPSO
Ing. Rodolfo Juan Dillon - UTN
Mg. Lic. Roberto Verna - UTN
Dipl. Mauro Javier Andrés - UTN
Ing. Andrea Paula Rossi - UTN
Esp. Ing. Marcelo Musotto - UTN – CIPBA
Federico Costabel - UTN
Sebastián Gañán - UTN
Gonzalo Cecchini - UTN
Comité académico
Ing. Marcelo Antón - UTN FRBB
Ing. Mariano Asteazaran - EnAlTecS-UTN FRLP
Ing. Patricia Benedetti - UTN FRBB
Ing. Mariana Bernard - UTN FRSFCO
Mg. Ing. Pablo Jorge Bertinat - UTN FRRo
Mg. Ing. Diego Bertini - UTN FRA
Mg. Marcelo Bertossi - UTN FRC
Dr. Farm. Maximiliano Bidegain - CONICET
Ing. Pamela Blazquez - UTN FRBB
Dr. Ing. Guillermo Bossio - GEA - IITEMA - UNRC - CONICET
Ing. Luis Bouyssede - UNS
Dr. Ing. Sergio Bragagnolo - UTN FRC
Mg. Ing. Marcelo Bruno - CONICET
Mg. Ing. Rubén Bufanio - UTN FRN
Ing. Jorge Caminos - UTN FRSF
Ph.D. Domingo Campaña - UTN FRBB
Dr. Adrián Canzian - UTN FRGP
Dr. Ing. Pablo Caron - UTN FRH
Dr. Ing. Carlos María Chezzi - UTN FRCON
Dr. Ing. Héctor Chiacchiarini - UNS - CONICET
Mg. Ing. Olga Cifuentes - UTN FRBB
Dra. Ing. Diana Constenla - UNS
Ing. Pablo D'Angona - UTN FRBA
Mg. Ing. Lorenzo De Pasquale - UTN SCTyP
Dra. Ing. Norma De Cristófaro - Mahrea, Argentina
Dr. Ing. Lucas Di Giorgio - UTN FRBB
Dr. Ing. Horacio di Prátula - UTN FRBB
Ing. Nicolás Di Ruscio - OES -UTN
Dr. Ing. Franco Dotti - UTN FRBB -CONICET
Dr. Ing. Liberto Ercoli - UTN
Ing. Daniel Fernández - SUSTENTAR energía SRL
Dr. Ing. Diego Ferreyra - UTN FRSFCO
Dr. Ing. Andrés García - UTN FRBB
Dr. Octavio García Valladares - UNAM
Ing. Marcelo Gil - UTN FRLP
Mg. Ing. Pablo Girón - UTN FRBB
Mg. Ing. Maria Cecilia Girotti - Independent
Dr. Ing. Adrián Gonnet - UTN FRBB
Mg. Ing. Eduardo Guillermo - UTN FRBB
Mg. Ing. Pablo Alejandro Haim - UTN FRBA
Esp. Ing. Luis Hernández - UTN FRGP
Ing. Guillermo Kalocai - UNS
Dr. Ing. Ariel Loyarte - UTN FRSF
Mg. Ing. José Maccarone - UTN FRLP
Ing. Carlos Mainetti - UTN FRBB
Dr. Ing. Ulises Manassero - CIESE UTN FRSFCO
Dr. Ing. Jorge Marchetti - Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Mg. Ing. M Mercedes Marinsalta - UTN FRBB
Ing. Pablo Martina - UNNE
Mg. Silvina Medus - UTN FRBB
Esp. Ing. Leonardo Melo - UTN FRA
Dr. Ing. Gustavo Monte - UTN FRN
Esp. Ing. María Cecilia Montero - UTN FRBB
Dra. Cecilia Morgade - UTN FRBB
Dr. Ing. Juan Moro - UNS
Esp. Ing. Marcelo Musotto - UTN FRBB
Esp. Ing. Héctor Pascual - TSSE -CODAPLI -UTN FRLP
Esp. Ing. Carlos Pistonesi - UTN FRBB
Dr. Marcelo Pistonesi - UNS
Dr. Ing. Lucio Ponzoni - CNEA - UNTREF
Lic. Paula Prados Broco - UDESA
Ing. Agostina Quicchi - UTN FRSFCO
Dra. Lic. Marina Recalde - Fundación Bariloche
Dr. Raúl Righini - Universidad Nacional de Luján
Ing. Marcelo Ríos - UNS
Esp. Ing. Andrea Rossi - UTN FRBB
Mg. Ing. Juan Salerno - OES - UTN
Dr. Ing. Emmanuel Sangoi - CIESE - UTN
Mg. Ing. Aloma Sartor - UTN FRBB
Dr. Gustavo Schweickardt - CONICET - UTN FRCU
Dr. Lic. Daniel Serafini - USACH
Dr. Ing. Jorge Solsona - DIEC - UNS
Prof. Valeria Stern - GER Solar - UNLu
Ing. Federico Stuhldreher Madsen - UTN FRBB
Ing. Gerardo Szwarc - UTN FRSFCO
Ing. Walter Tonini - UTN FRSFCO
Mg. Ing. José Torres - CIESE - UTN FRSF
Dra. Yamila Vazquez - PLAPIQUI - CONICET - UNS
Dr. Ing. Jorge Vega - SCTyP UTN
Dr. Lic. Raúl Versaci - CNEA UTN
Dr. Ing. Claudio Zega - LEMIT
Ing. Hugo Zurlo - UTN FRRe
How to Cite
Conference Proceedings Volume
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