Study of nanoreinforcements applied to an epoxy resin


  • Iván Ezequiel Herold Departamento de Materiales Compuestos, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (INTI), Av. General Paz 5445, Buenos Aires - Argentina
  • Diego Lamas Instituto de Tecnologías Emergentes y Ciencias Aplicadas (ITECA), CONICET-UNSAM, Av. 25 de mayo y Francia, Buenos Aires - Argentina
  • Alejandro Bacigalupe Departamento de Materiales Compuestos, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (INTI), Av. General Paz 5445 / INTI, CONICET, Dirección Técnica de Materiales Avanzados, Av. General Paz 5445, Buenos Aires - Argentina
  • Mariano Escobar Departamento de Materiales Compuestos, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (INTI), Av. General Paz 5445 / Instituto de Calidad Industrial (INCALIN), Universidad de San Martín (UNSAM), Buenos Aires - Argentina
  • Alfredo Hazarabedian División de Materiales Avanzados, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Av. General Paz 5445, Buenos Aires - Argentina
  • Marcela Mansilla INTI, CONICET, Dirección Técnica de Materiales Avanzados, Av. General Paz 5445, Buenos Aires - Argentina


epoxy, composite material, nanoreinforcement, nanotubes, clay


The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of including nanoreinforcements (organically modified clay and carbon nanotubes) on the properties of a compound based on epoxy resin. The different reinforced resins were evaluated by viscosity and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements. These resins with reinforcing particles are also reinforced with carbon fiber, whose strand wetting capacity was characterized through optical microscopy.  The purpose of these materials is to obtain a compound that resists high pressure.


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How to Cite

Herold, I. E., Lamas, D., Bacigalupe, A., Escobar , M., Hazarabedian , A., & Mansilla, M. (2024). Study of nanoreinforcements applied to an epoxy resin. AJEA (Proceedings of UTN Academic Conferences and Events), (AJEA 25). Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume


Proceedings - Composite materials

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