Argentinian Conference of Mechanical Engineering -CAIM and the Argentinian Conference of Railway Engineering -CAIFE


  • Facultad Regional Santa Fe UTN
  • Foro Docente del Área Mecánica de las Ingenierías FoDAMI



The holding of the Argentinian Conference of Mechanical Engineering (CAIM, by its acronym in Spanish) and the Argentinian Conference of Railway Engineering (CAIFE, by its acronym in Spanish) represents a journey spanning fifteen years since the initial CAIM in 2008. It was organized by the Teaching Forum of the Mechanical Area of Engineering (FoDAMI, by its acronym in Spanish) and has been enriched by the support of various University Institutions.


The co-organization and hosting of the VIII CAIM and III CAIFE by FoDAMI, and the Santa Fe Regional Faculty of the National Technological University, held on September 13, 14, and 15, 2023, in the city of Santa Fe, provided a meeting space for presenting innovative engineering and scientific aspects related to Mechanical Engineering. This aimed to facilitate the creation of connections and collaborations between academic institutions and the industrial sector, focusing on mutual benefits and the continuous improvement of knowledge in Mechanical Engineering and related fields.

A unique feature worth highlighting of this edition is that all activities were conducted in a hybrid format, simultaneously in-person and virtually, facilitating a higher degree of participation from both paper presenters and attendees.

In this edition, the conferences featured 292 registrants, including attendees, presenters, and moderators, with 181 approved papers from various thematic areas. Participants from Argentina came from 19 provinces, and participants from other parts of the world came from Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, Bolivia, Guatemala, and Italy.

Autoridades del Congreso
Esp. Ing. Eduardo Donnet (UTN FRSF)
Mg. Ing. Alejandro R. Ferreiro (Fo.D.A.M.I.)

Unidad de Coordinación:
Ing. Andrés Giuliani (UTN FRSF)
Dr. Jorge Vega (UTN FRSF)
Esp. Ing. Prof. Alberto Romeo (Fo.D.A.M.I.)
Mg. Ing. Sandra Robles (Fo.D.A.M.I.)

Comité Organizador
Ing. Ricardo A. Verón (UTN - FRSF)

Ing. Andrés Giuliani (UTN FRSF)
Ing. Víctor Marelli (UTN FRSF)
Esp. Ing. Rodrigo Leurino (UTN FRSF)
Mg. Ing. Leonardo Arietti (UTN FRSF)
Ing. Fabian Nessier (UTN FRSF)
Lic. Julio Mir (UTN FRSF)
Dr. Ing. Alejandro Albanesi (UTN FRSF - CIMEC)
Dr. Ing. Santiago Marquez (UTN FRSF - CIMEC)
Dr. Ing. Federico Cavalieri (UTN FRSF - CIMEC)
Ing. Ruben Tonini (UTN FRSF)
Ing. Sebastián Rusillo (UTN FRSF)
Ing. Javier Caputo (UTN FRSF)
Ing. Mariela Bredice (UTN FRSF)
Ing. Pablo Paolini (UTN FRSF)

Comité Técnico Científico
Dr. Ing. Rogelio Hecker (UNLPam - CONICET)

Ing. Daniel Ades (UNR)
Ing. Rodolfo Duelli (UNRC)

Coordinadores de Área Temática
Enseñanza y Formación docente
Ing. Gabriel Dasso (Industrias Berg SA - CABA)
Ing. Anibal Chicojay Coloma (USAC Guatemala)

Industria 4.0 y Transformación Digital
Mg. Ing. José Luis Polti (UTN FRBA)
Dra. Erica Fernandez (UTN-FRSF, UTN FRR)

Mecatrónica y Automatización
Mg. Ing. Eduardo Cirera (UNNE)
Ing. Gerardo Bravo (UNNE)

Energía y Medio Ambiente
Dra. María Isabel Sosa (FoDAMI)
Dr. Ing. Carlos Juárez (UNSE)

Máquinas y Sistemas Térmicos e Hidráulicos
Dr. Ing. Martín Caldera (UNMdP)
Ing. Orlando Audisio (UNCOMA)

Mg. Ing. Sandra Robles (UNS)
Ing. Daniela Alessio (UNS)

Simulaciones Numéricas y Mecánica Computacional Aplicada
Mg. Ing. Alejandro Ferreiro (UNSE)
Dr. Alejandro Albanesi (UTN FRSF - CIMEC Conicet)

Ingeniería de Fabricación y Mantenimiento
Ing. Javier Antezana López (UTN FRD)
Ing. Gustavo Flores (UNLPam)

Diseño y Proyecto de Componentes y Máquinas
Esp. Ing. Prof. Alberto Romeo (FoDAMI)
Ing. Antonio Lukjaniec (UM)

Esp. Ing. Rodrigo Leurino (UTN FRSF)
Mg. Ing. Leonardo Arietti (UTN FRSF)

Innovaciones y Desarrollos Tecnológicos Ferroviarios
Ing. Eduardo Álvarez (UBA)
Ing. Jorge Petroni (UTN FRBA)

Operación, Seguridad y Normativa Ferroviaria
Ing. Miguel Ángel Galache (UNLP)
Ing. Pablo Martorelli (Instituto Arg. de FFCC - UTN FRBA)

Ing. Leonardo Plaun (UTN FRBA)
Dra. Elena Forlerer (UTN FRBA - CNEA)

Áreas Temáticas
• Enseñanza y Formación Docente
• Industria 4.0 y Transformación Digital
• Mecatrónica y Automatización
• Energía y Medio Ambiente
• Máquinas y Sistemas Térmicos e Hidráulicos
• Materiales
• Simulaciones Numéricas y Mecánica Computacional Aplicada
• Ingeniería de Fabricación y Mantenimiento
• Diseño y Proyecto de Componentes y Máquinas
• Agroindustria
• Innovaciones y Desarrollos Tecnológicos Ferroviarios
• Operación, Seguridad y Normativa Ferroviaria
• Misceláneas


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2023-12-14 — Updated on 2023-12-15

How to Cite

Santa Fe UTN, F. R., & FoDAMI, F. D. del Área M. de las I. (2023). Argentinian Conference of Mechanical Engineering -CAIM and the Argentinian Conference of Railway Engineering -CAIFE. AJEA (Proceedings of UTN Academic Conferences and Events), (AJEA 29).