Economic feasibility analysis of the promotion program for photovoltaic generation of low power scale at the residential level in the Province of Santa Fe


  • Vanina Zandoná Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería Eléctrica y Sistemas Energéticos (CIESE), Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Santa Fe, Lavaisse 610, Ciudad de Santa Fe, Pcia. Santa Fe - Argentina


Levelized cost of energy, photovoltaic, renewable generation, prosumers


In this paper, the economic feasibility of the ERA program for small-scale renewable generation is evaluated. The objective is to estimate the potential economic savings for a residential user who joins as a prosumer user. The city of Santa Fe is selected as the study area. Based on typical annual energy consumption of residential users, the load profile of a standard distributor is modeled. Through optimization studies based on the minimum levelized cost of energy, the average annual generation of energy is quantified and the
photovoltaic system is dimensioned. Then, a sensitivity analysis is performed based on changes in the price of energy. The technical-economic analysis shows that insertion in the program is not feasible. However, in scenarios with different conditions, promising results would be obtained.


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How to Cite

Zandoná, V. (2023). Economic feasibility analysis of the promotion program for photovoltaic generation of low power scale at the residential level in the Province of Santa Fe. AJEA (Proceedings of UTN Academic Conferences and Events), (24). Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume


Proceedings - Energy