V Conference on Software Quality and Agility


  • Facultad Regional Resistencia UTN
  • Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Quimicas y Naturales FCEQyN - UNaM
  • Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura FaCENA – UNNE




The JCSA (Jornadas de Calidad de Software) began in 2017, under the original name of “Jornadas de Calidad de Software”, with the intention of communicating and divulging significant advances in the field of Software Engineering, particularly concepts, methods and tools which contribute to Software Quality. Providing a common forum where the software industry and universities can exchange experiences, needs, and foster joint actions in the field. In 2001, the conference broadened its scope, incorporating topics related to Agility, and including the reception of papers and industry experiences.

In the VI edition, the conference once again finds us in a virtual setting, from the Facultad Regional Resistencia, where the exposition of scientific papers, emerging research experiences, workshops, conferences and presentations  took place, with the participation of members of the industry, University, and  public corporations. In addition to the main activities of the conference, which where carried out virtually, a total of four on-site workshops were held, distributed in each of the participating venues.

The keynote conference entitled “Ciclo de vida del conocimiento en el desarrollo de software para la transformación digital”,  was given by Leandro Antonelli (LIFIA Group - UNLP). The proposed activities were aimed at Systems engineers and graduates, students and teachers of these fields, as well as professionals and business leaders in the Software and IT services industry sector, and also to the general public interested in the subject.

In total, more than 200 people participated in the scheduled activities, demonstrating the interest that these topics generate among the participants.

Themes of interest

  • Product Quality and Software Process
  • Internal and External Software Quality
  • software testing
  • Verification and Validation
  • Software Quality Models and Metrics
  • Data Quality
  • User Experience - User Centered Design
  • Tools, Industrial Applications and Empirical Studies
  • Software Quality Management
  • Software Quality Teaching
  • Agile Methods and Practices
  • Software Engineering Continues (Example: DevOps, Agile, etc)
  • Requirements Engineering in Agile Methods
  • Peopleware and Management 3.0
  • Agile Estimation and Planning
  • Code Anomalies – Refactoring

Comité Organizador
Dr. César J. Acuña
Dra. Verónica Bollati
Dra. Noelia Pinto

Dr. Horacio D. Kuna
Dr. Eduardo Zamudio
Esp. Alice Rambo

Mgter. Gladys Noemí Dapozo
Dr. Emanuel Irrazábal
Lic. Ma. de los Ángeles Ferraro

Comité Científico
Mag. Liliana Cuenca Pletsch (CINApTIC - UTN - FRRe)
Dra. Verónica Bollati (CINApTIC - UTN - FRRe / CONICET)
Dr. César J. Acuña (CINApTIC - UTN - FRRe)
Dra. Noelia Pinto (CINApTIC - UTN - FRRe)
Esp. Gabriela Tomaselli (CINApTIC - UTN - FRRe)
Ing. Nicolas Tortosa (CINApTIC - UTN - FRRe)
Ing. Valeria Sandobal Verón (GIESIN- UTN - FRRe)
Ing. Germán Gaona (CINApTIC - UTN - FRRe)
Dr. Horacio Leone (INGAR - UTN - FRSF)
Dr. Silvio Gonnet (INGAR - UTN - FRSF)
Dr. Gustavo Rossi (LIFIA - UNLP)
Dra. Alejandra Garrido (LIFIA - UNLP)
Dr. Andrés Rodriguez (LIFIA - UNLP)
Dr. Marcelo Estayno (UNSAM)
Dr. Luis Olsina (GIDIS - UNLPam)
Dra. Luciana Ballejos (INGAR - UTN - FRSF)
Mgter. Gladys Dapozo (UNNE)
Dr. Emanuel Irrazabal (UNNE)
Dr. Rubén Bernal (UNNE)
Dr. David la Red Martínez (UNNE)
Dra. Sonia Mariño (UNNE)
Mgter. Mónica Tugnarelli (UNER)
Dra. Gabriela Arévalo (UNQui)
Dra. Luciana Roldan (INGAR - UTN - FRSF)
Dra. Milagros Gutierrez (UTN - FRSF)
Dra. Mariel Alejandra Ale (UTN - FRSF)
Dra. Elsa Estevez (UNSur/CONICET)
Dra. Alicia Mon (UNLaM)
Dra. Nancy Ganz (IIDII-FCEQyN-UNaM)
Mgter.Ing.Alice Rambo (IIDII-FCEQyN-UNaM)
Ing. Selva Nieves Ivaniszyn (FCEQyN-UNaM)
Lic. Sergio Caballero (FCEQyN-UNaM)
Lic. Martín Rey (IIDII-FCEQyN-UNaM)
Dr.Eduardo Zamudio (IIDII-FCEQyN-UNaM))
Dr.Horacio Kuna (IIDII-FCEQyN-UNaM)
Dr. Diego Godoy (UGD)
Ing. Edgardo Belloni (UGD)
Mgter. Cristina Greiner (UNNE)
Dra. María Fernanda Golobisky (UTN-FRStaFe)
Master Ariel Passini (UNLP)
Mgter. Pablo Thomas (UNLP)
Dr. Fernando Emmanuel Frati (UNDEC)
Dra. Marcela Genero Bocco (UCM)
Dr. Jorge Andrés Diaz Pace (SISTAN)
Dr. Nazareno Aguirre (UNRC)
Ing. Rubén Castaño (FCEQyN-UNaM)


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How to Cite

Resistencia UTN, F. R., FCEQyN - UNaM, F. de C. E. Q. y N. ., & FaCENA – UNNE, F. de C. E. y N. y A. (2023). V Conference on Software Quality and Agility. AJEA (Proceedings of UTN Academic Conferences and Events), (21). https://doi.org/10.33414/ajea.1180.2023

Conference Proceedings Volume

