Preliminary evaluation of mechanical model of vertebral bodies treated with discoplasty


  • Lucas O. Basiuk Grupo de Mecánica Estadística de Líquidos y Materia Condensada Blanda (MELyMCB), Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológicos (IFLySiB), Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, UNLP-CONICET / Grupo de Materiales Granulares (GMG), Facultad Regional La Plata, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Argentina.
  • C. Manuel Carlevaro Director
  • Ramiro M. Irastorza Codirector



Percutaneous discoplasty, advanced disc disease, cement spacer, finite element method


Discoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure to treat older adult patients with advanced degenerative disc disease with pneumodisc, usually in the lumbar spine, to stabilize and decompress the compromised segments. Advanced degenerative disc disease with pneumodiscs, usually in the lumbar spine, to stabilize and decompress the compromised segments. The procedure reduces the patient's pain by injecting bone cement into the degenerated pneumodiscs, thus achieving separation of the vertebrae. The finite element method is used to model and evaluate the case of a patient who has already undergone discoplasty due to advanced disc disease, to analyze biomechanical changes and parameters such as: resulting angle of the vertebral body, volume of cement injected, among others. The models are built from computed tomography images and parametric studies of the domains that compose them: vertebral body, disc annulus, nucleus pulposus, and cement (PMMA) are performed.


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How to Cite

Basiuk, L. O., Carlevaro, C. M., & Irastorza, R. M. (2022). Preliminary evaluation of mechanical model of vertebral bodies treated with discoplasty. AJEA (Proceedings of UTN Academic Conferences and Events), (15).

Conference Proceedings Volume


Proceedings - Materials - Cooperative Linkage Modality