Analysis and Redesign of a Network of Primary Health Care Centers


  • Graciela Moreno Grupo de Economía e Ingeniería de Sistemas de Salud (gEISS). Facultad Regional Córdoba, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Argentina
  • Aníbal Blanco Director
  • Nebel Moscoso Codirectora



CAPS, GIS, Need, Supply, Demand, Mathematical model


The first level of healthcare, organized in our country on Primary Health Care Centers (PHCC), provides preventive health services to the society in general and especially to the population that does not have health coverage. Despite the efforts of the local governments to adapt the system to the need of the people, population dynamics and demographic and territorial growth makes that the PHCCs are not always adequately distributed, or provide the adequate type of services at optimal rates. The aim of this work is to analyze relevant information about the PHCC network in Bahía Blanca district, by studying the need, the demand and the supply of services of the first level and proposing redesigns of the network in order to improve access indicators. For this purpose, an optimal location mathematical model was implemented and integrated with a Geographic Information System (GIS) to visualize the results.


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How to Cite

Moreno, G., Blanco, A., & Moscoso, N. (2022). Analysis and Redesign of a Network of Primary Health Care Centers. AJEA (Proceedings of UTN Academic Conferences and Events), (15).