Test device for parametric pendulums with a view on wave energy harvesting


  • Juan Nicolás Virla Grupo de Investigación en Multifísica Aplicada, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Bahía Blanca, Bahía Blanca - Argentina
  • Franco Ezequiel Dotti Director
  • Sebastián Pablo Machado Codirector




Parametric pendulum, wave energy, non-lineal dynamics, energy harvesting


The design of a test device for the study of the dynamics of pendulum systems is presented. Based on the external forcing amplitude and frequency parameter space diagram from a multi-mass pendulum system, the regions of interest for the study of rotations are determined. The forcing characteristics for a simple parametric pendulum are obtained and then adapted according to the available manufacturing possibilities. A forcing generation mechanism is proposed, and the resulting physical model is shown. It is concluded that the designed device is suitable for a wide variety of tests and that the design requirements are met.


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How to Cite

Virla, J. N., Dotti, F. E., & Machado, S. P. (2022). Test device for parametric pendulums with a view on wave energy harvesting. AJEA (Proceedings of UTN Academic Conferences and Events), (15). https://doi.org/10.33414/ajea.1031.2022

Conference Proceedings Volume


Proceedings - Theoretical and Applied Mechanics